Submissions may be written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.
Quotes from any of these three languages do not need to be translated and may be kept in the original language.

    Submitted manuscripts must be original work and unpublished elsewhere.
Manuscripts can be written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, nor be under consideration elsewhere for publication

    Recommended length for scholarly articles is 6000-7500words (20-25 pages)
including notes, bibliography and filmography (if one is included). Film and book reviews should be 1200- 2400 words (OR 4-8 pages). Festival and conference reports should run from 1200-1800 words (4-6 pages).

    Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in an email attachment
saved in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format. If you use WordPerfect, please save as an MS Word or RTF file. The name of the author(s) should not appear anywhere in the attachment.

    Please send submissions
dealing with Spanish, Portuguese, Lusophone African cinemas, or those that are trans-Atlantic in scope to

and those related to Latin American and U.S. Latino cinemas to

    The body of the email message should include
(1) the title of the manuscript; (2) author’s (or authors’) institutional and departmental affiliations and position held; (3) a biographical note of 50 words or less; if a submission has more than one author, please include one for each. For scholarly articles, an abstract of 100-200 words (not exceeding) should also be included in the message.

    General Rule #1:
follow as closely as possible the latest edition of the Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines for formatting the document. N.B.: if you are writing in Portuguese or Spanish, you may choose to disregard MLA rules regarding the placement of commas and periods relative to quotation marks; in other words, you may (if you wish) place commas and periods outside quotation marks instead of inside them, as long as you do so consistently. Likewise, if you are writing in Portuguese or Spanish, you may choose to disregard the MLA rule stipulating that a comma must be placed after the penultimate element of a series of three or more items (e.g., "production, distribution, and circulation") as long as you do so consistently.

    Do NOT use separate sections, divisions or font changes.
Keep the format as simple as possible so that the article can be easily be converted to HTML. The font for the entire article, including notes and bibliography, should be Times New Roman, 12 points. The document should be DOUBLED spaced with a hard return between each paragraph, endnote and bibliographic item (likewise for items in a list of films).

underline titles and any other part of the text that should go in italics in the final version of the article.

    If images are to be included,
they must be sent to us in .jpg format as separate attachments. Do not include them within the document, but rather, save each image with the title FIGURE 1, FIGURE 2, etc. In the body of the text, clearly indicate the preferred location for the image with reference to the figure number, along with a caption that minimally indicates the title of the film, year and director; please include all of this information in brackets. For example: [Figure 1: Allá en el rancho grande (1936). Fernando de Fuentes]. If you wish to include a descriptive quote, please place this before the basic information on the film, followed by a period. NOTE: images must be accompanied by copyright permissions.

    Do NOT use footnotes:
place notes at the end of the text. Extensive notes are discouraged.

In the body of your text simply place the note number in brackets like this: [12]. Use the same notation for the corresponding note at the end of the text: [12] Text of note.

    The contents of the document should be ordered as followed:
 (1) Title; (2) Body of article; (3) Notes; (4) Works Cited; (5) Filmography (films referenced in article and/or recommended viewing.

    General Rule #2:
 consistency in spacing, punctuation, and spelling is essential. Authors are expected to carefully edit their work and adhere to the guidelines stated here. Please do not hesitate to contact the editors if you have any questions regarding formatting or submission policies in general.