

Monday, August 20th

  1. Our Opening PBL Social is Monday, August 20th 6:00 pm at Laura Anderson's home.
    We will have dinner, organize upcoming booths,
    discuss plans for school year, and determine officer positions.

    **Families are welcome to attend with you!
RSVP by Wednesday, August 15th

#2. If you are interested in being a PBL officer this year, please be at the opening social!
We will be selecting officers at this time.

Please RSVP by Wednesday, August 15th so we can plan food accordingly.

Monday, August 27th

#3. The first day of fall semester is Monday, August 27, 2012.

Now is a good time to meet with your
advisor to make sure that you are on the right track.

Wednesday, August 29th and Friday, August 31st

#4. We have two days we need your help. Please let us know what days/times
you are available to help out at the PBL booth.

a) Clubs & Organizations Day - Wednesday, August 29th - 9 am to 2 pm

b) Block Party - Friday, August 31st - 830 am to 230 pm

(We also will need help with set up and take down 30 min before and after each day)

We are excited to see all of you and are looking forward to a great year with PBL!